Rituals Makeup

Disciplines: Concept, Packaging Design, Product Design

Client: Profusion Cosmetics

Rituals was presented to Profusion Cosmetics as an idea for a Halloween collection. My goal was to create a makeup collection that was inspired by Ouija boards and witchcraft. The collection was exclusively produced and sold in Walmart stores in 2022.

My role was creating the overall concept, name, illustrations, packaging, structural design, and print embellishments.

  • My goal was to create a makeup collection that was inspired by Ouija boards and witchcraft.

    The brush ends mimic candles, the lipsticks crystals, the main makeup palette is the Ouija board, the lashes, mirror and mini makeup palette are all the planchette. Every item circled back to the theme.

    My role was creating the overall concept, brand name, illustrations, packaging, and print embellishments.


Jaws Package and Web Design


Snatcha Matcha