Sake 107 Rebrand

Disciplines: Logo redesign, Brand Identity

Client: Self Study

Sake 107 is a restaurant in downtown Petaluma that I frequent a lot. It has the best quality of sushi I have ever tasted, and I thought that the branding should reflect that.

My goal was to update their logo along with creating a brand identity.

My role was re-designing the logo, and creating a brand identity.

  • Sake 107 is a restaurant in downtown Petaluma. It has the best quality of sushi I have ever tasted. The ambiance of the restaurant feels upscale, and the quality of sushi reflects that. I felt as if there was a disconnect between the restaurant and the logo. For the redesign, I kept the same element from the previous logo with a modern touch.

    My goal was to update their logo along with creating a brand identity to reflect the restaurant better.


Ayuda el Oceano


Logofolio + Point of Sale